For Good Measure

Elinor Armer II - Part 1

Elinor Armer Episode 60
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00:00 | 08:20

For Good Measure, by Ensemble for These Times (E4TT)
Episode 60: Elinor Armer II (part 1)

Looking for a way to listen to diverse creators and to support equity in the arts? Tune in weekly to For Good Measure!

In this week’s episode, we talk to Elinor Armer about the creative process for her E4TT "Mothers and Daughters" commission “Matrix” and how it relates to her own life as a mother and daughter. If you enjoyed today’s conversation and want to know more about Elinor Armer, check her out here:  Parts of this episode originally premiered on January 2021, found on Youtube, click here.

This podcast is made possible in part by a grant from the California Arts Council and generous donors, like you. Want to support For Good Measure and E4TT? Make a tax-deductible donation or sign up for our newsletter, and subscribe to the podcast!

Intro music: “Trifolium” by Gabriela Ortiz, performed by E4TT (Ilana Blumberg, violin; Abigail Monroe, cello; Margaret Halbig, piano),  as part of “Below the Surface: Music by Women Composers,” January 29, 2022
Outro music: “Lake Turkana” by Marcus Norris, performed by E4TT (Margaret Halbig, piano), as part of “Alchemy,” October 15, 2021

Transcription courtesy of

Producer, Host, and E4TT co-founder: Nanette McGuinness
Audio Engineer: Stephanie M. Neumann
Podcast Cover Art: Brennan Stokes
Interns: Roziht Edwards and Merve Tokar

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